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Surviving The Future Today
by CHICKMELIONfreelance
In the face of an ever changing world, the ability to see the tides that sweep in on you and your enterprise can mean the difference between optimizing oncoming opportunities; or mitigating losses from their crippling effects. The well prepared entrepreneurs become industry leaders, while those who failed to lift their heads in time to take a glance at global shifts find themselves squeezed out by increased costs, regulations, and obstacles. Shifts in trends are like the sands in the deserts, ever moving and ever changing the face of their environment permanently. The former views, techniques, and avenues of doing business are being re-written. And failure to recognize these shifts means failure to survive long term.
The pendulum effect...
We have all been eyeing the "globular credit crunch," it certainly has our attention because it levied a heavy blow. But this occurrence was a mere domino effect of a much larger wave and one that seems to be passing out again. There are rumors in the wind that our materialistic and consumer dominant point of view are gradually being replaced by a more moderated humanitarian one. As the consequences of a materialistic driven mindset's mount up, so too does motivation to counter balance the ill effects. "Green " seems to be the catch phrase of the recent day and it is still relatively new. You can gauge this by the mixed reactions you get in the marketplace over the concept. However it is safe to say "green" has a toe hold as a mindset in business practices.
Green thinking is rapidly being rewarded as an incentive to get onboard voluntarily. History however has demonstrated that there comes a point in time as the impact of any crisis increases, when societies will call upon their governments to enforce legislation, taxes and even levies to attempt better control of the situation.
The closer to a crisis we get, the more costly it is for the entrepreneur to maintain old standard business practices. For the entrepreneur there is little he can do, but face these winds head on with or with out a plan. Preferably with! And in understanding the pendulum like motion of cause and effect in these global shifts, the entrepreneur can even see opportunities and alliances that will always present themselves with change: which can be less painful and considerably more cost effective if one can see it coming in advance.
Flying on the winds of Change.
We are currently suffering from the hangover that our insatiable appetite for goods have created. Directly ahead of us lies climate change issues which (as a small example only) are impacting water sheds and in turn electrical supplies on a globular scale. The effects ripple outward in the forms of costly infrastructure revamps, power outages , rising costs of electricity, as well as tax increases. On it’s heels we hear the admittance that our two most populace landscapes in the world China and India; both report substantial depletions in natural critical resources and arable land. This creates a massive supply and demand shift forcing the re-gearing of marketing mixes. In addition and perhaps consequently, we are also experiencing population shifts from less developed countries to more developed. Loss in arable land will no doubt impact far more than migration statistics.
There is also talk in the air that the international communities are formulating a consensus for global economic reform. There is an idea put forth for economic sharing. The entrepreneur has to wonder how that is going to translate to their market share. Where would they be positioned post reform? How will they survive the transition? Where could they be positioned with a good strategy and financing?
The headlines are also inundated with the consequences of yet another influence hitting the business community. Computers are evolving and become assessable mainstream in the homes and pockets of humanity on a globular scale. It is good example of how a wave can wash in and change the face of each and every business environment in a very big way. Buyer behavior has evolved in the wake of this new era, as new products, avenues of advertising and distribution of goods and services are rapidly searching out means of going online to find their consumers. And yes this trend has it’s casualties too.
For those who fail to recognize the permanence and gravity that technology has taken hold of the world the lesson has been painful. Mind sets have to change. Computers are rapidly molding the way business and consumers alike view the scope and breadth of their world. Not only an entirely new vocabulary is emerging, but a new lifestyle is blossoming as well. Storefronts are being threatened by desk tops in rapid and previously unimaginable way. Consumers are finding in their fast paced worlds the benefits of cost and time savings by interacting online as opposed to chasing down their social lives, goods and services out in the streets. It is only a matter of a time for the creative minds to develop virtual vacation packages in the near future.
Loss of habitats, bio-diversity, global security are rolling in as substantial market influences as well. The waver are mounting up and regardless of what ever size of enterprise you operate, all of these shifts are coming your way. Most of the astute businesses have already on file their tailored continuity and crisis management plans appropriate to handle sudden extreme events. However these have absolutely no relevance in terms of coping with incremental changes. A entirely new set of objectives and strategies have to be considered.
In the face of uncertainty lies opportunity.
As a rule of thumb, if uncertainty is ahead, it should be viewed as a flag to analyze market shifts. Looking at the trends early enough on will allow for better information gathering, decision making, and strategizing. Because these shifts are slow moving, it provides opportunity to enact "what if scenarios" and gather enough resources to adapt to the oncoming waves of change before they impact the bottom line.
Bio-fuels are an excellent example. Though much in their infancy, their introduction in the global energy scene are already irrevocable as an environmental inevitability in order to reduce CO2 emissions. At the same time solar panel technology is also evolving and maturing as a technology and now expanding worldwide. You talk to the industry leaders in both sectors and they will tell you that there is unprecedented global demand which allows them to anticipate continued growth for decades.
For the businessmen that is not thinking in terms of innovative technology, but merely to survive and grow in the face of change. Recognizing the waves coming in can mean the difference between standing and having the rug pulled out under you. A good case in point, and only mentioned as an example, was the decision for a certain mortgage lending company, ( Total Mortgage Services LLC) who attributes not only stability, but growth in the face of recent market volatility to their foresight. Sensing a possible credit crunch approaching, only because everyone seemingly hopped on the same lending incentive band wagon decided themselves not to jump on board, but rather differentiated themselves in service and expertise. The company mandated searching out a more stable and qualified buyer and it certainly paid off as their suspicions came to fruition.
The longer businesses delay the inevitable, the more it will cost them and the more opportunities they will pass by without notice. As a shift approaches and innovators jump in to answer the change in demands, the movement picks up speed to a dizzying pace. But why would a business fail in long term planning? Perhaps they have not considered the issue of adaptation before it was too late. They may not believe themselves to be at significant risk. Or they do not believe they have substantial opportunities available in these shifts.
Motorola can testify to this. On top of the world one moment with their "Razor" phones and now a few short years later struggling for their lives playing catch up. Why? The rapid response and forward thinking of their competitors introduced a newly developed concept called the "Android" phone that offer the convenience of bundling advanced cellular technology with internet applications on the go. Motorola of course not down for the count, is planning to unveil a response of their own, and breaths are held in anticipation of market response. It is deemed to be "a make it or break it" reveal for a now fast paced and ever changing industry.
It is apparent that to survive the future, an entrepreneur has to plan today. Keeping their eyes open for changes, uncertainties, and rumors in the wind. Staying informed, networking, and running "what if" scenarios when they sense something approaching. Not only in their own minds but also on the tables of boardrooms and company meet and greets as well. Involving as much collaboration and creative crunching as possible. Looking at things from every angle of the marketing mix and assessing the potential threats and time lines involved. As the old adage goes, two heads (or more) are always better than one.