5 Bizarre Ways To Get Your “You Go Girl” On
by CHICKMELIONfreelance
That dating game can be rough on a girl. There are so many in’s and out’s to come familiar with in order to stay on top of your game and remain competitive in a very aggressive arena. Grabbing and holding onto the attentions of men can wear a poor girl down. Fear not though, here are a few unconventional tricks up the sleeve that might just give you that upper hand you need .
Keep fit and trim for him...
Has this ever happened to you. You have the attention of a guy and you have done what your moma taught you...you’re behave like a lady. You are sitting with your legs closed or crossed. You are accommodating, polite, minding your manners and your verbiage; then some slinky partially dressed vixen with an obvious over exaggerated swagger and anatomy swoons on in and “poof”... he’s gone. Well it’s time to multi task then my dear. Shape up that bottom and learn a whole new swagger of your own with “Erotic Dancercizing” Yes I said it, obviously it’s not just for the bad girls any more. You can fight fire with fire. There are a few products on the market you can check into which offer belly flattening, butt tightening workouts centered around pole dancing, chair dancing, booty dancing, and dancing with stripper. The claim is that this is a fun form of exercising with a bit of sweet vengeance rolled on in to one. Just don’t let your moma know!
Add a dab of perfume behind the ear...
Or was that ground beef....hmmmm...maybe motor oil. There are just so many choices out there. The best way to know how to match up to him as a flavorful scented
flower would be to take a test. Step aside E-Harmony... try O-Harmony instead. There is just no end to the useful means entrepreneurs are coming up with to make meaningful lifetime matches for you. How about you head up to and try an “odor matching” dating site? Yea, that’s right. That may just be the magic you were missing out on in the first place! Basisnote.com will be where you are heading, ( It is a German platform, just look for the English or French switch at the top of the page.) The general gist is that the chemistry for that match made in heaven is nasal determined, well partially at least. But before you concern yourself over being nasally challenged on the net, these folks have got you covered. The Basenote scent tests makes it possible to establish a scent profile that replaces the function of the human nose. You are literally scent matched with other profiles thus increasing your chances of smelling flowers bloom.
Get a good night sleep...
Ever hate those mornings that you wake up and you have a kink in the neck, pillow heat, and your bed is a wrinkled mess? And you look at that thing and think, “Could it be possible just for once that I wake up refreshed feeling and beautiful looking , and ready for the world ?” After all is that not what sleeping is supposed to be about? Not spending the next hour undoing the side effects of your sleep. What you need sweetie is a high -tech bed sheet set. Uh-huh.. I said it! How does anti aging sheets sound for you? One of the newest weapons to hit the wrinkle free arena are “SkinGlows” Cupron Copper Technology pillow covers and comforters by London Luxury. Copper ions are woven into the fabric and the moisture from your body activates these ions. Supposedly within four weeks your skin will not only be soft, but there will be a reduction of lines and wrinkles. Now that may be something worth “sleeping on.”
Don’t frown sweetie you will get wrinkles...
Not convinced that bed sheets are pro active enough for you? You need something more oomph! You remember the move that came out a while ago called “The Mask” where the character puts on the mask and suddenly his world is supercharged and as he said, “sexy!” Hey it even worked on dogs. Well my dear you too can have a transforming mask of your own! High-tech and all, so you know it’s got to work! I am talking about your very own electric anti-aging mask. The Rejuvenique RJV10KIT Facial Toning Mask Kit , by Guy Fawkes, (and I am not talking about the guy who was coined as the mastermind behind the attempt to blow up the English Parliament in 1605.) This simple plastic mask with an adjustable headband operates on a single 9-Volt battery, which activates twenty-six gold plated contact points that reduce facial wrinkles. Just fifteen minutes a day with plastic and gold strapped to your face, electrically charged will have the “honeys” doing a double take.
And finally try a little rouge...
The French were apparently onto something here, calling now infamous powdered on cheek blush ...”rouge “(or red) and no doubt all the evolutionists are going to perk up and go uh-huh on this one. Apparently research from the University of Rochester discovered that primate males are known to get aroused to women who redden when they come near to ovulation. They site examples of not only the male human species but also baboons as well, and you all may be quite familiar with these who’s bottoms are reddened in a well timed manner in order to attract their amours. So if you are wearing red, and catch him looking at your bottom... Remember girls, he just can’t help it. One interesting difference between the baboon and human male is that apparently red anywhere on the female human species will do the trick...go figure.
No doubt as often as you are dreaming of that magical blend that will keep you attractive and the heads turning in your direction; there are marketers and product developers in your corner dreaming up the very same thing. We will never run out of options or opportunities to make ourselves glow but if you wonder how you will know if he’s the right one for you when you meet up with him... well that’s a whole other story. But to reassure you the same marketers and product developers have got that one covered too. Yes men are entering into the vanity race as well. Just ask Clinique which has just opened up a whole new skin care line just for men. Or Dial who has developed pheromone laced body soap for him. Consider this very interesting scenario: a night club full of men laced with “Men Magnetic Attraction Enhancing Body Wash.” Now that’s a minute and a half I am just not going to get back.