(Inspirational and Peace posters designed by CHECKMELIONfreelancefree to use as comments, in email or on web pages : available at http://photobucket.com/Peaceposters )
by CHICKMELIONfreelance
Perception and reality are two quite different things... aren’t they? Especially when looking in the eye of another whose experiences, rearing and even culture are so different from yours. And if they are a stranger... how do your read them? How do you effectively and peaceably speak to them? Or do you even take the time to really see the one before you? Yet expecting them to see you. Yes! If we cling to our own points of view we may be blinded to our own impact on others and then surprised by their re-actions to us.
We have all experienced this and thought it strange when something so seemingly innocent and clear to us induced a re-action of misinterpreted, misconceived snap from the other? Good Lord... can’t they see things our way? Yes perception and reality are two different things aren’t they? The goal is in owning a higher awareness... a higher consciousness... and in this higher awareness you are given the golden keys to diplomatic peace. Yes when you can understand that there are different forces that may impact one seemingly simple statement or act, that there are many different angles or entrance points to even one seemingly simple subject, that is when you can foster a greater understanding packed with a healing energy.
Now why would you care to heal the misconceptions of a stranger? Simply put...all is hinged on one very compact but true proverb: "what goes around comes around" Indeed if you want understanding, peace and healing in your world, it is well worth your time to take a moment to see the ones before you. Because a mindful state opens you to new information, new perspectives and these gifts of knowledge are building blocks to a positive and assured growth in returned blessings to you.
Even if the individual is far from seeking peace and is being seemingly vile before you... it’s always a blessing when they fully and openly shows their cards... their true nature. It is the ones who can conceal these attributed who can hurt you the worse... isn’t it? Yes indeed, when the true colors are shown clearer decisions can be made. But forgive ! Yes... I said forgive. Their actions may be influenced by bitter roots, misconceptions and short sightedness, and when have you been perfect in your lifetime? In the very least, your forgiveness cuts the ties that bind you to this negative energy so you can continue to grow and be free in a cleaner, clearer energy.