by CHICKMELIONfreelance
I am told that there are many forms of blessings. Some are like the canola seeds. Which springs up quickly, well suiting it’s purpose for the short term. It provides for a season, then has completed it’s task and evaporates into thin air. And yet like any form of life it takes opportunity to replicate it’s self as a positive form of energy rippling outwards bearing further seeds for the next season; awaiting the next time a quick fix is in dire need. These blessings can present themselves as; a lesson learned, an opportunity that presented it’s self, or even as simple as a smile sent your way just at the right time. There is nothing wrong with a quick solution; it has it’s merits for it’s situation. Who hasn’t needed a quick solution now and again?
In contrast, some blessings are not fulfilled with quick and easy solutions. These require long term consideration, effort, dedication, and an apprenticeship of sorts. They have roots to fortify, foundations to develop, and spreading blessings to branch out with. To pay forward with,… and are of great impact not only to the original receiver, but also as a ripple effect outward. These blessings are the fruit tree. You put it in the ground as; a thought, idea, answer to a circumatance, and wonder if it ever will show it’s self..But when it does, it provides fruit consistently, and not only for a season, but for generations. So if your situation is pressing, and your eyes fail for seeking solutions, your voice raw from constant longing prayer, don’t despair!
Though the answers seem to tarry, the situation tells me that you are growing a beautiful and bountiful fruit tree. Something that will give you great joy and reward in it’s own time. Consider then your aches and pains , your patience, and your longsuffering as developing a legacy of sorts. As a bountiful blessing providing shade for not only you but your prosterity as well. That you can sit under and recount how bountiful He has blessed you.