by CHICKMELIONfreelance
Just recently Apple Inc. unveiled their premier iAd, a new smart phone operating system to bring the luxury and advantages of the iPad to cell phones everywhere. This is Apple’s posturing against it’s direct competitor Google and it would no doubt be a tempting arena to frontier in considering that since it’s introduction iPad alone reveals some staggering statistics. Already some 600,000 digital books have been downloaded on iPads as well as 3.5 million applications. This no doubt makes advertisers wet with anticipation, because for the first time a mobile device will foster more engaging advertising that will not pull users away from the content within their applications. Expectations for mobile advertising investment in this year alone will bloom by 78% growth to $1.6billion dollars. Now that is just crazy!
We’re looking at an expected $6 billion dollar industry by 2012 says industry experts, that is a massive jump in a very short time and not with it’s complications. Bandwidth is at a premium as servers are scrambling to keep up with the market place’s insatiable demand. The required expansions are very costly and if mobile service goes by the way of GOOGLES plans or SKYPE’s in eventually offering free calls worldwide.... they have no idea how or who is going to pay for the expansions required to meet demand, they themselves are as of yet not into developing and marketing applications. Perhaps as the cell phone more evolves to a computer companies like sprint mobile should re-think their product mix to include advertising platforms as well... just to survive that is.... Ahhh growth pains!
There are many enterprises jumping on the bandwagon cutting teeth in this new frontier as web 2.0 has now stepped into mobile web 2.0. Step over 3G we have now become a 4G nation and hey that isn’t expected to last long either. Here are some examples of how innovative businesses are stretching their wings to welcome the rapidly changing tides:
-The weather Channel has now started integrating platforms to accommodate mobile web ad products. (Read more about it here)
-Applications are on the market now that allows Big Boss to keep an eye on you via cell phone, (if it’s a company phone) it is an extension to those products offered to
regulate employee activities on company computers. (Read more about it here.)
-Merchants can now swipe credit cards on their iPhones... good news for the Solopreneur at the trade show. (read more about it here)
There is a company called Juniper Research that has put out two white papers available to you to download for free ( ) on the subject of the migrance of web 2.0 going mobile and its expected effects and areas of growth, you might want to check it out so you too can prepare for the inevitable and embrace your own corporate plan to include iPhone advertising in your mix.
It has become the new frontier indeed as computing devices shrink from the desk top, to the lap top, to now the pocket... and beyond. I wonder if we are not advancing towards optical devices either as a contact or surgically implanted and hot wired to the cranium. Where the clicking of the tongue represents every click of the mouse’s copy and paste function. I don’t know... as advertisers seek to put their messages in front of the public at every opportune moment... how long will it be before we are fed a stream of pitches during our sleep and find ourselves waking in the middle of the night for some reason craving pizza.