Malware Infested Twitter Messages Contain Fake Facebook Links
Josh Wolford Staff Writer Twitter users need to be on the lookout for a new round of malware-carrying spam messages that are coming from compromised accounts, possibly even from Twitter profiles they trust. If you receive a direct message suggesting that someone has posted or tagged you in a Facebook video, beware. Clicking on the link could infect your computer with malware. According to the Sophos Naked Security blog, the direct messages are not originating from spam accounts, but instead compromised accounts of friends - which makes it even more likely that a careless user could fall victim. Although the messages vary, the common thread between all of them is that they contain a "" link and mention that a video of you has been posted on Facebook. "Your in this video, LOL" reads one spam message, while another says "you even see him taping u, that's awful." When an unsuspecting user clicks on the link, they are shown a YouTube video player and prompted with a message that says, "and update for YouTube player is needed. It says that it will install Flash Player 10.1 onto your computer, but instead installs "Troj/Mdrop-EML, a backdoor Trojan that can also copy itself to accessible drives and network shares," according to Sophos. Of course, clicking on any link in a direct message that links you offsite is risky, and the fact that these messages are coming from trusted sources makes it especially tricky. However, the fact that the messages contain various misspellings and gramatical errors should suggest to the discerning user that they might not be legit.View All Articles by Josh Wolford
About the Author:Josh Wolford is a Writer for SecurityProNews. He likes beer, Sriracha and Cormac McCarthy. Mostly beer. Follow him on Twitter:@joshgwolf Google+: Joshua Wolford StumbleUpon: joshgwolf
When I Learn To Fly...
I am a well crafted, amply blessed, lovingly painted, hand molded soul.
Made by ONE... as a unique entity in a universe of unique entities.
For the time being I am apprenticing in the safety of a molecular body,
( I look at it as protective gear for a game called life.)
I am charged with for the most part positive energy,
which I learn to regenerate from both heaven and earth.
Thus I learn to honor Father and Mother.
I am a replica of the universe.
I demonstrate to myself and to those who look at me,
the unity and balance that we all are.
Many in one... and one in many.
Working in conjunction yet as individuals; ever moving, ever evolving, ever changing, ever growing and ever seeking universal balance.
I am learning to be in this fluidity without being a harm.
Kicking at the "Oneness" .
Causing it to be off balance by my choices.
I learn the universal rule, "seek balance as a singular entity".
I learn not to be a free-radical that threatens.
I learn there is nothing new under the sun,
all is cyclical, for us all to learn.
I am taught that as bacteria threatens a molecular body, (as my eyes behold)....
my choices threaten the heavenly body, (as my spiritual eye beholds.)
I am as you are... and as all children born are;
proof that our creator has not lost faith in us.
Has not given up on mankind.
That all is not for nothing.
I am freedom of choice.
I am learning by freedom of choice.
I am free to build or destroy.
I am free to in a molecular state see the consequences of these choices.
Feel the consequences.
This choice is not infringed upon by He who crafted me.
It is His tool, as a wise parent, which allows me to taste, test, and see the integrity of positive by knowing negative.
For how then can I know the fullness of joy unless I have something to measure it with?
How then can I appreciate my soul unless it is bound by my molecular shroud?
By the wisdom of ONE, I am ever growing to a point where I will no longer need my shroud of a body to protect me.
I will have learned to be a heavenly body....
I will have learned to make my foot print light.
I will have learned to fly.....
I'm Gonna Try Peace
Gonna lay my head down in the sand,
let the wind blow over my face.
Gonna render my body to the land,
and give it my sweet tears to taste.
Gonna lay my sword down on the soil
I am not going to swing it no more,
I have nothing to show for all the toil,
been stalemated , “settling the score.”
Gonna put my hands behind my back,
and let the will of heaven flow,
pray for some mercy to put me on track,
and refresh a weary parched soul.
Going to pick up a staff to hold instead,
and try to walk a mile in bare feet.
Gonna listen to what history has said
and pound my drum to a different beat.
Hold words in my mouth of a different plan,
and learn a whole different speech.
Gonna hold them to action as best as I can…
this time I gonna try PEACE!
There is a claim that miracles
are the fancy of imaginations;
and indeed they will be
if you are not open to receive them.
If you hold no faith,
if you do not use your eyes to see them,
if your definition is to tightly wrapped.
All these blocking the vital energy
that all miracles flow on.
You can not see
if you do not look!.
No one will hear you
if you do not speak.
Indeed you will not be tested ,
if you do not stand up for something,
but again....
you will never need a miracle either!
Nor will you experience the euphoria
of being blessed by one ,
unless you put yourself out there in faith,
standing firm in your convictions.
Life is a miracle in it's self,
and you would be squandering your life
unless you put yourself out there as well
by CMD