is when they say
Is it not market driven?
Silver screen glorified... personified...
Where fads and fancies
flay back and forth
like a whip...
ever evolving and reinventing it’s self
in order to spur ever more desires and needs.
Play on mankind's greeds.
And if you can not keep up with trends
you can not make amends with society
and it’s tastes and fancies for putting down
in order to raise self up.
You!!! .... you deviant...
standing outside of the box.
Looking lost and forlorn.
With wanton eyes and clothes all torn.
Think of this...
the more insatiable the greed
the faster the need for that whip to snap.
Sooner than later indeed
it will be
physically, financially and emotionally
harder to keep up.
Then more peoplewill be standing outside of the box
with you...
and you will be the norm.
With those who market "individualism"
all lost and forlorn.
(c) CHICKMELIONfreelance
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