whose lips are full of poisoned darts
who practices the fine art
of putting down to raise selves up
of drinking from a wrathful cup....
My peace is not in the hands of another,
whose intents are of self proposed gains
who belittle and scorn another’s pain
and build suspicions upon mistrust
and build their fortunes among vengeful lust...
My joy is not in the hand of another
whose heart is full of their own desires
who sets their neighbors misfortunes on fire
and seek to find their own gain
and shun the one who doesn’t seek the same...
No! I dont leave my hopes in the hands of another...
But I guard my own vitality to ensure,
it is kept safe, treasured and secure
I hold my own peace close within my heart,
from my own dreams I do not depart,
just because it doesn’t suit another’s need.
I put a cap on speaking wrathful seeds.
I am gentler and kinder to my own soul,
Living to my fullest potential is my ultimate goal.
(c) CHICKMELIONfreelance