Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Limitless Being

When I look at the stars

I experience limitless being,

I see the wonder of creation...

the depth and scope of what can be

what will be and what already is.

It is truly limitless...

experiencing oneness

in a giant mechanism of infinity-

feeling like I belong,

feeling like nothing can go wrong,

feeling awe struck in all existence,

feeling alive.

Then there are times

when I run in my ruts

of my day to day living,

Sitting in my car-

waiting for a color

to tell me to stop

to tell me to go...

repetitive, like a sedative....

I experience limited being,

I see only my barriers

and monotonous movements

of semi consciousness-

without depth and scope.

I am truly limited in being.

Need to shake the cobwebs from my head

look at the stars instead

and start being limitless...

(c) CHICKMELIONfreelance

alternate star gazing Pictures, Images and Photos

Wrestling Within

As I was contemplating

and wrestling within myself

over the ethics of the paths of choice

that lay before me,

I heard the breath of wisdom...

the voice of universal order.

It spoke to me and said,

"listen to the whispers of freedom

that echo in your heart...

they are both truth and guidance,

urging you to make a fresh clean start.

Take a chance and beat down a new path

rather than follow the crowd

walking in complacency.

Take the difficult path adjacent to these...

For up ahead, beyond the bends and twists

of your limited foresight...

lies the rewards of the cheap and easy.

Things the unwary neglect to see.

Why repeat ...when you can walk to a different beat,

fashioned by an ancient drum.

Go forwards and bend down the stalks

of overgrown angles, overlooked by most.

Approach the narrow gate and go through.

Yes! The one ventured only by a few,

Yet ignored by the hordes...

but you don’t ignore because

effort indeed has it’s rewards.”

If Not For My Tribulations

I am nothing

if it were not for my tribulations.

I would be insecure, obscure,

with no inner strength to conjure,

what it takes for me to endure...

life’s bumps in the road.

I am something

because of life’s little lessons...

call it tutoring sessions,

with a soul more infinately wiser than I.

And I may even be much further beyond

understanding the “whys?”

Yet, I know deep in my heart,

that apart from my fears,

with just the right amount of faith...

I can fly.

I am everything

when I’m good with my source,

my wellspring for my thirst,

my compass to keep me on course.

Who blesses me- lovingly

with my tribulations...

to keep me strong and supple

for all of life’s occasions.

Thus I am a survivor,

kept alive

to live a life

to give life

breath and depth

for others to survive.

This is the same for you

as it is for I.

That is our interconnection...

which makes us all one nation.

(c) CHICKMELIONfreelance

Mother Teresa Quote Pictures, Images and Photos

Life's Apprentice

ife's Apprentice

Bless all experiences

for an apprentice id nothing

if never testes.

Bless the stumbles

for out of them come great learning

and great gains.

What can joy be measures against,

or fully appreciated-

if it were not for a little sorrow?

So bless the gifts of sorrow as well-

which illuminate your joys beyond measure.

Tears keep the heart clean

and wash away the pride.

Tears watter the soul

keeping it supple and alive.

So bless and see yourself as blessed.

For that is your reward...



Life... That is....

We all experience it-

life that is,

no getting around it

as long as you breathe.

But we all seem to gleen from it

a different accounting-

while running the course of our lives.

Some have gained much ground,

yes they’ve grown and shine.

While others seem to only lose ground

and that little which they had planted is now dyin’.

It can be summed up in a simple phrase

“Life has two choices,

that you practice while fulfilling your days,

you can either gain experience

or gain bitterness....

It is a simple matter of overcomming

or being overcome.

It’s a choice of standing

and facing the wind

or being undone.

It’s a matter of accepting one’s fate

or looking to blame someone...

Which ever route you choose to go

life isn’t going to slow down for anyone,

you can either get run over by it,

or learn to go with the flow!


Large or Small

Large or tall

great or small

you have it in the palm of your hand

the power to influence it all.

Every thought

every action

every word....

or haven’t you heart?

It’s racked up,

jam packed,

and let’s say stacked,

with actionable energy

momentum and flow...

curses or blessings on the go!

Or didn’t you know?

For every vibe set into action,

whether thoughtless or not,

you are going to get hit up with a reaction,

whether you want it or not.

Best make it a practice to be

the one who makes it a practice

to set blessings free.

Then you’re hit up seven times round

with thoughtful cultivations,

and benevolent seeds

growing in fertile ground.

That don’t sound half bad.....

(c) CHICKMELIONfreelance


Don't Just Be.... DO!

It is easy to speak peace

seek peace...

if we never leave our comfort zone.

Refuse to spend our time with someone

standing out in left field of our views.

Not wanting to waste time in another’s shoes.

Or to setp out and beyond one’s self,

and spend moments where the destitute dwell,

the lonely dwell...

or have compassion on another man’s hell.

Yeah- now there’s the real challenge.

And it seems to be beyond the ordinary grasp

to take on the extraordinary task

of standing up to challenge the tides

all the while refusing to deride

someone whose outer shell

does not reflect their beauty inside...

Shallow is as shallow does, it seems.

Not taking a moment to look

before spitting on anothers dreams.

Ah yes, we show much grattitude

to those with a benevolent attitude

doning them a hero’s crown,

for picking up those who were cast down.

But did you know that hero could be you?

So kick up a little dust...

encourage your world

to polish off a little of it’s rust.

Don’t just be... do!

(c) CHICKMELIONfreelance

Not In The Hands Of My Neighbor

My vitality is not in the hands of my neighbor,

whose lips are full of poisoned darts

who practices the fine art

of putting down to raise selves up

of drinking from a wrathful cup....

My peace is not in the hands of another,

whose intents are of self proposed gains

who belittle and scorn another’s pain

and build suspicions upon mistrust

and build their fortunes among vengeful lust...

My joy is not in the hand of another

whose heart is full of their own desires

who sets their neighbors misfortunes on fire

and seek to find their own gain

and shun the one who doesn’t seek the same...

No! I dont leave my hopes in the hands of another...

But I guard my own vitality to ensure,

it is kept safe, treasured and secure

I hold my own peace close within my heart,

from my own dreams I do not depart,

just because it doesn’t suit another’s need.

I put a cap on speaking wrathful seeds.

I am gentler and kinder to my own soul,

Living to my fullest potential is my ultimate goal.

black and white Pictures, Images and Photos

This and That

would like to know why...

whenever the heart finds a route to go,

the mind changes the direction.

Whenever the heart finds an answer

the mind changes the question.

It seems crazy to me

to reside in the same body

and be ever so conflicting...

desiring the freedom

of a love freely pumping

yet all the while suffering

a mind’s constricting.

Keeping one or the other

in check and balance,

slowing the horses

from unnecessary chance.

Kicking some life into ratinal

causing the body to balance.

And it seems to me

that they will forever be

tangled in this perpetual dance.

(c) CHICKMELIONfreelance

black and white Pictures, Images and Photos

Chipplets Off Of An Ancient Rock

We all are chiplets off of an ancient rock,

and indeed we own to some very small degree

the potential to create and re-create as well.

Our words and actions own an energy and momentum of their own.

As live and effectual as heat and cold are to the molecular state.

Therefore what ever thoughts that the mind generates...

the being owns as a covering as well..

Therefore purge the soul of ill will

and you purge your own enviromen of illness.

Set all your pre-determined thoughts aside,

and seek universal truth from Him who created.

From the Rock,

the foundation of all that exists.

There is where truth was born.

Seek the light of creation it’s self on your face,

let it’s warmth and endless love

soak deep into your bones.

Inhale universal oneness and healing.

Then and only then...

will you be given a clear vision of the victories

of light over darkness....



There is nothing more crippling to me,

than the crippling effects of complacency.

Where a stagnant soul is caught in an endless sea

of unmoving attitudes,

forgotten gratitude

and selfish latitudes....



floating on an idea of “it’s all about me.”

“It’s not in my back yard.”

Well I’ve been around a block or three,

long enough to view the truth you see,

that anyone with that view can be,

the next targeted back yard.

It’s just the way it goes

and it simply shows

the truth in the old sage’s words,

(it’s one that everyone has heard....)

What goes around comes around .


Simpler Way

Going to think of a simpler way,

to get onto my path’s today,

and start my day

in a much calmer way...

Think I am going to override

the hustle and bustle

of the traffic’s tide

and set myself higher

than a balloon can fly.

High above the schemer’s schemes...

drifting above the dreamer’s dreams

taking in more rhythmic scenes

filling my heart till it bursts its seems

with love I find inside of me.

Taking a moment out of the day

to appreciate in every way,

the sun that shines,

these thoughts of mine,

and the endless possibilities hidden

in the very seconds of time.

Going to look inside

and like what I see...

going to spend a few silent moments

and enjoy my own company.

(c) CHICKMELIONfreelance


Borrowing The Glory Upon Your Dreams

What is it really that you fear?

Is it words external

that filter in your ears...

filling your head

and choking your heart,

snuffing out your fire,

kicking pessimism

on your desires?

Are these words keeping you down?

Are they planted seeds

intended to steal your crown?

Yet deep with in your being

you can feel the truth.

It’s whispering to you,

"don’t let mere words

get the better of you."

Never, never, never...

act upon external cues

without a thought or two...

of their well aimed intents

by those set in their schemes

to steal your thunder

and borrow the glory upon your dreams.

Always... always, take the time to listen

to that creative voice that sits within.

The one that the universe was founded on.

It will never lead you wrong.

(c) CHICKMELIONfreelance 


When I Learn To Fly...
I am a well crafted, amply blessed, lovingly painted, hand molded soul.
Made by ONE... as a unique entity in a universe of unique entities.
For the time being I am apprenticing in the safety of a molecular body,
( I look at it as protective gear for a game called life.)
I am charged with for the most part positive energy,
which I learn to regenerate from both heaven and earth.
Thus I learn to honor Father and Mother.
I am a replica of the universe.
I demonstrate to myself and to those who look at me,
the unity and balance that we all are.
Many in one... and one in many.
Working in conjunction yet as individuals; ever moving, ever evolving, ever changing, ever growing and ever seeking universal balance.
I am learning to be in this fluidity without being a harm.
Kicking at the "Oneness" .
Causing it to be off balance by my choices.
I learn the universal rule, "seek balance as a singular entity".
I learn not to be a free-radical that threatens.
I learn there is nothing new under the sun,
all is cyclical, for us all to learn.
I am taught that as bacteria threatens a molecular body, (as my eyes behold)....
my choices threaten the heavenly body, (as my spiritual eye beholds.)
I am as you are... and as all children born are;
proof that our creator has not lost faith in us.
Has not given up on mankind.
That all is not for nothing.
I am freedom of choice.
I am learning by freedom of choice.
I am free to build or destroy.
I am free to in a molecular state see the consequences of these choices.
Feel the consequences.
This choice is not infringed upon by He who crafted me.
It is His tool, as a wise parent, which allows me to taste, test, and see the integrity of positive by knowing negative.
For how then can I know the fullness of joy unless I have something to measure it with?
How then can I appreciate my soul unless it is bound by my molecular shroud?
By the wisdom of ONE, I am ever growing to a point where I will no longer need my shroud of a body to protect me.
I will have learned to be a heavenly body....
I will have learned to make my foot print light.

I will have learned to fly.....

I'm Gonna Try Peace

by ,

Gonna lay my head down in the sand,
let the wind blow over my face.
Gonna render my body to the land,
and give it my sweet tears to taste.
Gonna lay my sword down on the soil
I am not going to swing it no more,
I have nothing to show for all the toil,
been stalemated , “settling the score.”
Gonna put my hands behind my back,
and let the will of heaven flow,
pray for some mercy to put me on track,
and refresh a weary parched soul.
Going to pick up a staff to hold instead,
and try to walk a mile in bare feet.
Gonna listen to what history has said
and pound my drum to a different beat.
Hold words in my mouth of a different plan,
and learn a whole different speech.
Gonna hold them to action as best as I can…
this time I gonna try PEACE!

There is a claim that miracles
are the fancy of imaginations;
and indeed they will be
if you are not open to receive them.
If you hold no faith,
if you do not use your eyes to see them,
if your definition is to tightly wrapped.
All these blocking the vital energy
that all miracles flow on.

You can not see
if you do not look!.
No one will hear you
if you do not speak.
Indeed you will not be tested ,
if you do not stand up for something,
but again....
you will never need a miracle either!
Nor will you experience the euphoria
of being blessed by one ,
unless you put yourself out there in faith,
standing firm in your convictions.

Life is a miracle in it's self,
and you would be squandering your life
unless you put yourself out there as well

by CMD