I don't put too much stock
in the waves of opinion.
If there's anything I have come to realize
in my sunsets and sunrises here,
is that people are a real fickle bunch.
Public opinion swishes back and forth
like a nervous cat's tail.
What was taboo yesterday is in vogue today.
So I don't pay too much attention
to the winds of change,
I just understand that they will inevitably change.
And I try not to get too excited
when the winds of fortune blow my way.
Not to say I don't count my blessings.
No! I just try very hard not to get too puffed up and proud...
Because I well know that this too meets it's end.
I just figure I can extend the good fortune
by remaining low and humble about it.
Yes! It's all about balance isn't it?
Learning to ride the thrills in life...
yet anticipating an eventual drops
Even if it doesn't last, it certainly will be remembered.
And in this remembrance lies the seed of hope that you cling to
when one finds yourself descending again.