It is a common place consequence of living on earth where absolutely everything is subject to a form of evolution. But when it comes to Internet Marketing the evolution has been kicked up a gear or two and perhaps can be best coined as an outright revolution. A globular about face is being introduced for search engines: from an address based listing, to an all out solution based portal, with a outfit called Findsolve pioneering the movement.
We have all been there... on the see engine highway pouring through hundreds of listings, scanning quickly for keywords that seem closest to our search needs. We open up pages and it is like a crap shoot isn’t it? Maybe the listing is just what we are looking for, or more than likely ...NOT! Certainly not a good thing if we are hard pressed for a solution in a time pinch. Which is exactly where most business entrepreneurs find themselves for a good portion of their day. Worse than this, chances are a considerable amount of these same individuals have themselves invested in SEO marketing; investing in optimization efforts only to find themselves still pages behind listings that aren’t even truly germane to the search. Who isn’t finding this very frustrating ?
No wonder a cry rang out over the global web for a more effective solution’s based answer to see engines. Something that will truly recognize and reward the product and services being offered as opposed to successful SEO efforts which may or may not truly represent how the organization actually service their customer’s needs. What was left wanting was for was a database that will put everyone on a level playing field regardless of corporate size and allow a finder to critique the company’s offered solutions as opposed to address. These solutions can be based on parameters that are important to finder’s specifications whether it be product, price, references, or even distribution.
Still in it’s infancy and to be honest with you having a ways to go still before they hold a sizeable market share, you can bet that Findsolve is only the first of such innovative portals. There are just too many frustrated customers surfing the web with the same relative complaint for it not to flourish. After all the kinks are ironed out in this newborn solution based portal, no doubt these innovators will give the current see engine giants like Google a good run for their money, and force them to rethink how they service their own clients as well. Kinks? Hey any newborn concept is inherent with their issues like creating market awareness, and modifying customer behavior. Certainly not unconquerable obstacles and indeed ones SEO campaign’s themselves had to deal with head on in their own inception.
It will require altering the mindset once again when listing your website in a solutions based portal and looking for successful ranking in your market niche. Rather than thinking in terms of communicating to the intangible "web spiders" who deal complicated algorithms, you will have to think of your corporate benefits and how they translate best to your customers needs. You will have to think, "if I were looking for my business, what key questions would I ask to find it?" It sounds like good old fashioned tried and true marketing has found it’s way to the web search engines.
Is this the end of SEO marketing? I doubt it, however I am quite confident that it will have to share the arena with more formidable forms of marketing. Indeed if SEO companies desire to survive they too will have to evolve. They will have to take a very close look at what their own consumers are unhappy about. Already SEO marketing is seeing a revolution of it’s own, offering "pay upon success" options in answer to a market flooded with unscrupulous and unproductive agents who charge for services they fail to perform on. Isn’t it funny, their head on competitor Findsolve offers corporate performance rating by their own clients as one of the search parameters.
Yes indeed there are big changes in the wind, but as an entrepreneur myself, I am excited where this movement is leading to. After all it is on the backs of successful business that this country stays strong and viable. I welcome change, even if as a writer I too will have to find my niche in these changes.