Friday, July 31, 2009
Caution! Roadblock Ahead
Caution! Road Block Ahead
by CHICKMELIONfreelance
Don’t curse the obstacles in your life. Have you ever seen a roadblock set up for no reason? Don’t curse your luck for coming across obstacles. Or for having to slow down for one. They are there for your best interests. Do however bless your luck because something big is about to happen. Yes, change is in the wind! Get excited about it. As they say, “a change is as good as a holiday if you can’t afford one.”
Overcoming roadblocks and obstacles may be as simple as changing your mind’s perception of what is ahead of you, with a logic that defies gravity. To view your position not as insurmountable which is just an initial observation, but to see the blessing that is held within. Taking the time to absorb all relevant angles, so that your eyes are open to the full spectrum of what it is before you and not just what you see on the surface. Not all obstacles mean you need to turn back, but you do need to slow down enough to determine the appropriate action for the situation. You do need to formulate a plan.
Obstacles are appropriately placed caution signals for you to keep your head up and your eyes open. With the right attitude they are also opportunities. And because your head is up and your eyes are open, they are not going to be missed opportunities. Whether it was the saving grace of avoiding a disaster; or experience gained in maneuvering around the obstacle, which may have forced you to slow down enough to formulate an effective winning plan, (as opposed to flying by the seat of your pants;) or perhaps even adding to a greater appreciation for a desire gained that the obstacle momentarily held up. Ah! The sweet taste of victory. Finally an obstacle may signal that you have arrived prematurely to a point in your life, not fully armed with what your require to successfully continue with your journey. Where the obstacle it’s self provides an opportunity for apprenticeship.
It is a matter of overcoming limited thinking when it comes to what ever you are facing. Thoughts are very powerful, because they become accepted by our subconscious mind. Once that happens our whole mind set changes and gears it’s self towards the thoughts adopted. Habits and actions follow suit. By changing out thoughts and mental images we can change our reality and how we act and react to it. In addition, thoughts travel from one mind to another and if they are strong enough, they can be unconsciously picked up by people who can help you materialize your victory over the obstacle.
It has been said that nothing bad comes from heaven and if something seems to appears in a negative form before you, it is a blessing yet to unfold. If you can gear your thinking to seek the positive in any and every situation, your life and your world becomes enveloped in richness and depth. Then you see your obstacle for what it is. What price do you put towards your experience over the years? Where do you attribute your courage and strength from?
It is your duty to stop and read the signs and own the blessings contained within. They were given to you as gifts.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Apple Meant To Be Eaten
The Apple Meant to Be Eaten
by C M Dummerauf of CHICKMELIONfreelance
It was a set up right from the start!
For who would know human nature better than He who created it. Seriously, if He didn’t want us to eat of the tree He would have stuck it way back on the edge of the garden... hidden it in between a gnarly thicket of bramble. But no, it was conveniently placed in the middle of the garden. So no matter where Adam or Eve were at... north, south , east or west, they were bound to happen upon it.
Now most of us have seen the shows like “Hidden Camera,” where a child is placed in a room in front of a plate of cookies and was left alone for a few minutes with the solemn warning not to touch a single cookie in the absence. We killed ourselves laughing as we came face to face with our own reality of human nature. Tempted by curiously, tempted by a desire, the need for knowledge about our object of desire, the need to exert our own influence and control in our direction of growth whether it be physical,mental or spiritual. Cause and effect kind of knowledge. That which sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. Being vastly superior in the capacity to think, learn and grow through infinite choice and possibilities. Far more infinite and complex than any other living being on this planet.
We were all perfect people in the womb. Not unlike Adam and Eve in Eden. We did not disappoint our God there, nor our parents. But there came a point in time for us to enter a new phase in our existence. To be born to choices, testings, and knowledge. To me the account of Adam and Eve is the account of the birth of choice.
We learned to crawl when our parents put our object of desire just a hair out of our reach! Then we started disappointing our parents, crawling into everything, putting our lives in jeopardy with harmful choices. Yet in these testings and trials we learned to appreciate our world, our freedoms and our selves. We learned to stand by falling on our rear. We learned love and tested the integrity of that love, when we chose to turn from it. We learned courage in the face of our fear and we learned truth in a lie. In essence... unless we had experienced both sides of the continuum, our true and honest knowledge of what ever we were testing was not put into effect. That was our Makers point. How could we understand His love, His wisdom, and His desire for only the best in us unless we tested the integrity of these. Until we left the birth place Eden.
We were designed as independent thinkers given freedom of choice and with that comes some standard hard fast rules that apply to us all. Rules that He well understands... given that He created us: Firstly the only person whose behavior we can control is our own. Notice how He doesn’t attempt to infringe on this? Secondly, all we can give another person is information. He indeed equipped us with hard fast rules that in His words, “we can LIVE by.” The rest is up to us. Because in trial and error we are more likely to own the consequences of our decisions and direct our own paths towards completion. Like perhaps the desire to return to Eden.
God has faith in us. He would not have allowed us to roam from home without the faith that love conquers all things. We have all roamed from our home and most of us have learned to appreciate our parents when we too have become parents. We come to appreciate the difficulties in His decisions and the love and wisdom in His teaching of forgiveness; that allows us all a paved path back to Eden.
We have had to forgive our children at times too. We have learned all this because we have eaten from the tree of knowledge ourselves and been bit by the snake. We suffered our bumps and bruises, slings and arrows... and have come to appreciate the blessing in our trial called life. Which we would have never gained had we never ventured forth. Had we stayed in the womb, never disappointing anyone. But Oh what a sweet and glorious taste it is to gain victory in knowledge. What a sweet taste it is for Him when another prodigal comes home. There’s nothing that can compare. No love greater than appreciated love.
Why do bad things happen? Because you or someone has practiced their freedom of choice and it’s cause and effect rippled down to your existence. But before you cry out of the unfairness of this, understand that you too have caused ripples on the pond and others had to suffer the cause and effect of that. We never quite fully grasp the understanding of our interconnectedness. Why do bad things happen? So good things can be learned from it. I suppose, as long as we walk this earth and until we return home to His loving arms, we are destined to keep on eating from that tree of knowledge. For as many stars there are in the sky, there are possibilities, choices, and lessons for us to gain knowledge from. Yet I choose to see a positive in all this. There is a blessing hidden in every lesson learned and every step forwards which we as humans take. Yes, I do believe it was a set up right from the start!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Dandilion Of Choice
by CHICKMELIONfreelance
There it is laying on the table in all it’s splendid yellow glory. The symbolysm could not be over looked, yellow being a color that inspires will, self determination, a sense of feeling uplifted and a wash in warm optimism.
With partial root still attached, a soil sample clinging for dear life and oh yes a frantic bug scurring away; it is not the tangible that is viewed and appreciated. It is the sentiment. The heart behind the offering. It speakes of intimate knowledge of your love for flowers. It offers a desire to speak affection, to give back, of recognition and gratification of the bond shared. It was looked at, recognized as beautiful and it reminded of you. The leaves lay wide open as if waiting with a hug for you. How could such a small tolken from such small fingers mean the entire world for you at that moment? But it does. A gush of warmth rushes over you and all is forgiven and well in the world again.
In the eyes of the universe and He who created us, are we not all representative of these little fingers? With nothing tangible to offer in return for the gift of life. What have we to give that is not His already but the mere giving of ourselves? The giving of our will to choose to enter into a relationship with the parent of all parents. We have nothing tangible, only sentiment. And the symbolysm does not escape us. Often it is wondered... are we given children so we can have a better understanding of our own Father? So we can understand from His perspective , enabling us to appreciate and love Him even deeper. To know Him more intimately. To give us something we can both share in, a common ground. Does His heart beat as ours do at these tolken sentiments of love and affection? A gush of warmth rush over Him, and all is forgiven and well in our world again?
Have you ever wondered why He granted us freedom of choice? Better yet, have you ever noticed how He never infringes upon it? We could be the picture of perfection for Him, with no choice. Similarily rearing our children would be worry free, without challenge and excuise the term, “a no brainer.” But then how could we test the integrity of our children’s love for us if it weren’t for the moments which we were told, “I hate you.” How could we experience the richness of their love if it were not committed to us by choice. Because we all tried hating our parent at one time or another. But we found out in this testing, that love conquers all things. And we were able to better define and appreciate that love. The integrity was won in trial. The trial was won in choice. The choice was won in love.
All good relationships are a perfect circle and He who created the term relationships is the first to understand this. What goes around comes around, keeps everything in perfect balance and harmony. To share in the giving and to share in the receiving reinforces the bond. No one can say, ”it is here where it has started,” “it is here where more is given,” or “it is here where it ends.” We all know a foundation cracks when imbalance seeps in and is allowed to take root. He of all knew!
The world is a circle. It took us a few years to figure this out. But no one on the world can say, “It starts here...,” no one owns the beginning or the end of this circle, we all share in it, therefore we all must get along in it. A hug is a circle, arms and body interconnected and wrapped around each other, the union is completed in the circle. So too is our union completed with our circle of love with Him who created us. It is our freedom and our choice to unite with Him who created love, or to experiment with a different path.
Forgiveness is a circle too. Allowing the mind to be changed when the consequences of a choice grant enough information to desire a change. Forgiveness in true honesty is wonderful, because He who created forgiveness knew that we are more likely to own the decision -- to take responsibility for it and realize it is what we want and need in order to return to the bond that has made us what and who we are today. The circle of love and life ...with our Father.
We pick up our little yellow flower and soak up the feel good vibe for the moment, glancing outside we notice there are thousands just like it. A thousand more opportunities to feel this way again. We enjoy for the moment a sense of feeling upifted and a wash in warm optimism.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Influencing Others In Their Decisions
You are an entrepreneur and being so you have poured your heart and soul into envisioning a dream, and directing that dream towards reality.
Now you are going to have to effectively spark that same enthusiasm and vision with many different people, in varying roles such as: advisors, investors, customers, partners, spouses and even for some of you employees as well. You will even find yourself face to face with your competition. Now there’s a meeting you don’t want to lose ground on!
With all of these interactions, it is essential that you are well rehearsed to conduct yourself poised, polished and confident. Remember, this is an eat or be eaten marketplace. You are the conductor of this orchestra and your skill is to orchestrate all these unique personalities, with their own perspective of your concept, their own motivations and desires which they bring to the mix, as well as expectations of benefits from your vision; and you lead them towards agreeing to your point of view.
Now first and foremost I need not tell you how essential it is to know your vision, your market and your customer. Know them from every angle, front back and upside down. Know your product, your price, your promotion and your distribution; all of this is well researched. Because being unable to answer any question or objection speaks volumes on your credibility and makes or breaks, for both you and who you are communicating to. Remember word of mouth is one volatile and powerful tool. It can truly make or break you.
Now you are looking for the edge. To take control and influence others into rousing action in favour of your vision. Your goal is to walk into that all important meet and greet with the proper physical and mental projection as well. Your game plan is to be on the offensive!
In order to do this you will have set aside some all important prep time before hand. And you are going to prep often, so it will become second nature to you.
Physically you are going to set your mind to practicing and applying good posture and eye contact techniques. Mentally you are going to practice the power of positive thinking and visualize your success. Consider these as armouring up for battle. You are going to do these before hand so they are switched “on” when it is most important.
Let us look at the physical aspects of proper projection for now and save the mental conditioning for another instalment, because it is worthy not to rush over these points.
What is not widely recognized for the most part is that before anyone has ever opened their mouth their own body has already spoken volumes. Those ever so silent but very important subconscious cues have already been read and registered by the one before you. Now come on, you do it yourself. What we seem to forget is that only a small amount of communication involves actual words, around 7% to be exact. Body language and eye contact are the primary tools on getting a solid foot in the door at 55%. Where pitch, speed, volume and tone of voice account for the last 38%. Potentially you could have lost that client, financier, or partner before you even have spoken.
I don’t know about you, but my mother was always on my back about my posture. “Head up, chest out, shoulders back, stomach in....” Who would have thought that she was not only preaching for my physical prosperity, but also trying to equip me with proper form and decorum in order to project myself as confident and competent in my world. Keep this posture in mind whether you are sitting or standing. In a seated position go as far as to lean a little forward. It translates as interested and engaged with the one you are communicating with.
And nothing gains a positive favour more than your listener feeling like they are important.
Learn to be conscious of your movements in public. It is a good idea to check your habits out and try to correct them before your face to face. Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to body talk, keeping your hands at your side or in your pocket may be read as you being insecure. Turning away from the one you are talking to may be misunderstood as being less than sincere and though you may be tired, slouching screams disinterested.
Don’t be rigid, it creates a vibe of discomfort and you don’t want your listener to be uncomfortable looking for the nearest exit. Move your hands when you speak. Hand gestures reflect confidence, honesty and intelligence. But keep it within reason and natural please!
Eye contact is another effective tool when you are seeking to influence people. Proper eye contact speaks volumes in not only your confidence, but competence too. When looking directly in the eye of your listener you are saying you believe in what you are talking about, you are confident in your stand and you are trustworthy in communicating these to an individual who is important to you. If there is more than one person in front of you, give them all equal time. Don’t judge who is important or not . And never underestimate the power of the wife standing beside the husband. You got to know her role in the decision making process. Look her in the eye! Finally when making a point, direct and continuous eye contact will drive that point home.
The first impression sticks with everyone whether good or bad. Putting a little time into recognizing your own body language, and making the adjustments before hand will be well worth the investment in time.
Getting mentally locked and loaded is the next step in how you polish your projection to successfully influence others in their decisions that relate to you and your enterprise, so be sure to catch up with us on the next instalment.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Mowing Barefoot and Conscience Free
I am living on the edge - yes I am! And I am not the least bit guilty about it. No - not one bit! I am having my cake and I’m eating it too, with a big fat grin on my face and I‘ll tell you why.
For a few years now I have made a conscious effort to be friendlier to this planet which nurtures and nourishes me. I cart reusable cloth grocery bags in my back pack (purse) for all shopping occasions including those impromptu ones. I compost and I recycle as you would expect and I find myself dragging my garbage can to the curb only once in a month now. I don’t mind saying that I’m feeling good about these moves too.
But when my “carbed” out antiquity of a lawn mower coughed out it’s last puff of smoke a year ago, it was time to make a conscious choice to continue in a healthier lifestyle for myself and this planet. With a half acre of lawn needing cutting I had no choice but to go on the hunt for a replacement!
Simplify was on my list of requirements as well as affordable. So with these in mind I was off shopping. That is when I saw the revival of an old childhood friend of mine.
The “reel” lawn mower. I remember pushing my family’s old thing around when I was eight or so. And trust me that was a long time ago! It was heavy and huge, but I had fun with it and no fear of it either. I remember feeling quite important and grown up mowing the family lawn!.
The reel mowers I was looking at had come a long way since then. They were compact., light weight, came in varying swath sizes and even had attachable bags to catch clippings. Wow! Also they were comparable in price as well. ranging from $70.00 to $170.00, all depending on accessories and swath size. A bit of assembly was required (attaching the handle to the body, that’s all) but it was no big deal.
The cost advantages and maintenance requirements of this type of mower is worthy of noting. I don’t have to buy gas, spark plugs, or filters. I don’t have to ship it to a small engine shop. My repair/ sharpening kit cost another $40.00 and it is a very simple procedure . Best of all, I don’t have to throw a shoulder pulling a cord to get it going. Nor dance with an extension cord as with electric mowers. I am free to move and at my own leisurely pace. Now that’s lady friendly. .. right down to Mother Earth! And hey... it is hip friendly too. A good form of exercise. I find that I can go at the same pace as any push mower on the market.
It is a very safe little tool too. I can hop it over my wood borders,without blinking an eye. I don’t fear flying projectiles from the blade or stalling it . When you stop, the blade stops too. And yes I do to the complete horror of my neighbours, mow in my bare feet. Seriously, the only danger I have is stepping on a thistle.
I stroll out on a Sunday morning and conscience free get my yard in shape before the day gets too hot, yet my neighbours still love me. I know many of them look forward to a little sleeping in on the weekend I can fully respect that. No literally ...I can respect that because my mower is very quiet and un intrusive.
Now there’s a down side. Well it is not for me, but I have read comments from users on web sites for home and hardware outlets and I have to agree that I have experienced the same thing. This down side is a consequence of a slower rotating blade than a motor driven one. If you do not stay on top of your cutting and allow certain species of plants to grow to a bendable height; dandelion stalks for example, you will find that they have the amazing ability to do the “Matrix” move to avoid being cut. They bend backwards! It is quite an amazing survival technique. Got to give them credit. But here is how I look at this issue. You know how borders, walls and any other edges don’t seem to get cut becuse the mower, no matter what kind, can’t get at it. So you find yourself having to go and get your (ahem!....rechargeable) weed whacker to finish the job. While it is in hand why not stroll out and deal with those “Matrix” bending radicals. Mind you this is only an issue when you do not keep on top of your job/ exercise program in the first place.
I find that the benefits in using the new and much improved reel mower far outweigh any downside and I can feel good that I am yet adding to my goal of being more responsible in my world. cites a survey which concluded that the air pollution from cutting grass for one hour from a gasoline power mower is the same as that from a 100 mile auto ride. Now that’s something to think about!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Inspired To Be Free
by CHICKMELIONfreelance
Inspired to be free,
seems to take an eternity,
to learn just to be...
respecting of "me."
I've taken my dives,
and I've taken my bows,
and the good Lord be willing,
I've survived 'till now.
I gave into what
some have said,
and I've been left in the dust,
all tattered to shreds.
'Till I've learned to stand
on my own instead.
Inspired to be me,
it's all I know who to be.
I've reaped from my sowing,
and kept a good vibe flowing.
So if the good Lord be willing,
I can plan to keep on growing.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
He is an absolute dear friend of mine, and it is my honor and priveledge to write probably one of the most important articles I will ever write.... about a man and his extended family close to my heart, Rev. Edwin Agadi. A man who saw an immense need, yet refused to see the mountain of barriers that stand in his way. Dealing with poverty, AIDS, and hunger, one beautiful child at a time. A project I feel a deep desire to help with....
If you would like to help, don't wait for the article
Contact Edwin at:
BOX 63916 –00619 NAIROBI KENYA
+254 733838885
Have a fantastc day!....xoxoox... Carla
He is an absolute dear friend of mine, and it is my honor and priveledge to write probably one of the most important articles I will ever write.... about a man and his extended family close to my heart, Rev. Edwin Agadi. A man who saw an immense need, yet refused to see the mountain of barriers that stand in his way. Dealing with poverty, AIDS, and hunger, one beautiful child at a time. A project I feel a deep desire to help with....
Elshaddai is a community based organization located in Kayole estate and the slums of Nairobi. It’s an organization that caters for the less fortunate, most isolated poor slum community members, people living with HIV/AIDS, AIDS orphans and widows through provision of social economic support Elshaddai has its efforts centered in kayole, mwengenye mukuru kwa ruben, and soweto slums some of the biggest slums with approximately a population of 550,000 people. Due to poverty illiteracy, negative culture practices, there are increased cases of HIV/AIDS, Child abuse, school drop outs, and high prevalent of early pregnancies and use of drugs, Elshaddai is a registered as a charitable society Elshaddai thrives to give the this community hope and better future.
If you would like to help, don't wait for the article
Contact Edwin at:
BOX 63916 –00619 NAIROBI KENYA
+254 733838885
Have a fantastc day!....xoxoox... Carla
by CHICKMELIONfreelance
The Selfish Act of Selflessness....
How to shamelessly and conscience free behave shelfish, and still win friends and influence people...
I have often been the recipient of someone’s selfless act pointed in my direction. I am sure you can identify with me how fantastic it makes the heart feel. The one which sticks out the most in my mind was when I was just shy of 18 years old. I was waiting for my flight at the Edmonton International Airport, heading up north to the Canadian Arctic where I lived at that time. It also was where my fridge and my bed were. Two most important objects at that moment. Ones I had been in need of for at least 24 hours, waiting in this terminal, flat broke.
I was dropped off a day early for my flight by a relative who was continuing on into the next province... I had a very heavy heart at that moment, having come from my mother’s funeral in a small town 4 hours away. I remember I just wanted everything to be over just go home... raid the fridge and go to sleep. It had been a long week and needless to say, I was not particularly in a good mood. So I found myself a quiet and desolate area of the airport where I selfishly took out an entire bench to camp out on and let the hands of time pass.
It was there that “he” came. I can’t tell you his name, or even what he looked like.... only that he was a black man, very large in stature and wearing a suit. To me he was a stranger who was invading my space. And though he was not welcomed, he sat beside me in silence anyway... then after a while he got up in silence and a few moments later reappeared with a tray of breakfast for two. And in silence he handed me a coffee, english muffin and an orange. I was dumbfounded. I thanked him, he nodded and continuing in our silence we broke bread together.
I all actuallty the only thing I remember this man saying to me was when “Well I have to catch my plane.” That was it! I thanked him again for his kindness as I watched him walk away... but then he suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned. “Remember this one thing young lady,” he said, “ no matter what ever happens in your life - don’t you ever worry, you are going to do well. You are going to be just fine” And with that he walked away. Never saw him again!
Yet those few words made all the difference in the world. It was like a light turned on. For some reason I felt empowered by them, as if I had someone in the world that had faith in me and it was impeccable timing since I felt so lost and alone at that moment. My whole attitude turned around. It was then that I recognized the value of ”paying forward.” And it was at that moment that I began practising the act myself. Now hold on, before you go off tooting my horn and giving praises, understand this: it soon became a selfish act on my part.
Once I started being unselfish myself, I soon recognized the perks that such activity offered, which kind of motivated me to continue further in my selfish ways of selflessness. Most acts of putting forth more positive energy into this world are a very inexpensive form of practicing what goes around.... (and here’s the catch.)... comes around! Ultimately it is the sender that gets back sevenfold. A that's a pretty fine investment if you ask me.
From a simple smile to maybe an extra can bought at the grocery store and kicked into the food bank bin. The ways to pay forward unselflessly are numerous. It is just a matter of recognizing in your movements about in any given day the needs of others. You will find in time, once you have this as a habit in your daily life, that needs seem to jump out at you. You have become open and aware to those around you , and share the world with. Secondly, once a need is recognized, and you determine you are indeed in a position to help, then STOP, and by all means do so.. Countless very good people pass by incidents that they could display their goodness because they are caught up in the hustle and bustle of day to day.
A lot of us move about our world in a hurry, looking at something in passing and wishing they could have helped. “...Man I should have stopped for that person with the hood up on their car...“ A lot of us leave it for the next person to come along. “...Oh well someone else with a little more time will...“ Learn the new habit of stopping. The time costs are far outweighed by the benefits you receive in making an impact in another person’s life. (But please always keep your own safety in mind though. Be careful not to over reach.)
In all reality how hard is it to recognize the cashier before you is stressed and tired? Do something to make that brief momentary encounter with them stress free and refreshing... It doesn’t have to be a big thing. It can just seem that way depending on whom you do it for. It can be something as simple as a smile.
You have had random acts of kindness pointed in your direction. Recognize that the same gift you received... the warm feeling of belonging and a load lightened can be the same gifts you can extend to someone else. And in extending you again receive.... What goes around comes around.
First and foremost you will find that you will be raking in a great sense of interconnectedness with the world around you. A feeling of being in sync and belonging. With a new found perspective from open eyes a common side effect will be a vivid and more colourful view of the world and people around you. Because you see more to appreciate, you will find it easier to count your blessings and feel better about yourself, the world and the issues that can affect us all.
Contributing positive into the world empowers and gives a sense of being in control. Expecting nothing back for it completely eliminates the disappointments of waiting for the “come around.” Hopefulness replaces mindlessness. The human race replaces the rat race. You smile more and this all translates into physical well being. You sleep better and you feel empowered. Your stresses lessen. And we all can say an amen to that!
The way I see it we have only two options when it comes to our impact on our world. We can either choose to be a positive force, putting in when ever we can , for the betterment of us all and if the world falls flat on its face, we have no regrets about our role in it. Or we can withhold extending ourselves and in refusing to notice or be a part of the vibrant energy that humanity offers we can find ourselves running with our fears and embracing narrow sightedness, shallow, or selfish desires. All very destructive and unhealthy attitudes and energy to hold onto. And quite potentially a lonely state to be in.
Choose to build and not destroy. No doubt we all have days when we are hard pressed to make a conscious effort to impact others in positive ways, circumstances often bite, but this is when your investment pays it’s dividends. Because your paid forward and these efforts are contagious; the smile you pasted on someone’s face yesterday is theirs to willingly and gladly return to you today. Now that’s simply selfishly selfless!
How to shamelessly and conscience free behave shelfish, and still win friends and influence people...
I have often been the recipient of someone’s selfless act pointed in my direction. I am sure you can identify with me how fantastic it makes the heart feel. The one which sticks out the most in my mind was when I was just shy of 18 years old. I was waiting for my flight at the Edmonton International Airport, heading up north to the Canadian Arctic where I lived at that time. It also was where my fridge and my bed were. Two most important objects at that moment. Ones I had been in need of for at least 24 hours, waiting in this terminal, flat broke.
I was dropped off a day early for my flight by a relative who was continuing on into the next province... I had a very heavy heart at that moment, having come from my mother’s funeral in a small town 4 hours away. I remember I just wanted everything to be over just go home... raid the fridge and go to sleep. It had been a long week and needless to say, I was not particularly in a good mood. So I found myself a quiet and desolate area of the airport where I selfishly took out an entire bench to camp out on and let the hands of time pass.
It was there that “he” came. I can’t tell you his name, or even what he looked like.... only that he was a black man, very large in stature and wearing a suit. To me he was a stranger who was invading my space. And though he was not welcomed, he sat beside me in silence anyway... then after a while he got up in silence and a few moments later reappeared with a tray of breakfast for two. And in silence he handed me a coffee, english muffin and an orange. I was dumbfounded. I thanked him, he nodded and continuing in our silence we broke bread together.
I all actuallty the only thing I remember this man saying to me was when “Well I have to catch my plane.” That was it! I thanked him again for his kindness as I watched him walk away... but then he suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned. “Remember this one thing young lady,” he said, “ no matter what ever happens in your life - don’t you ever worry, you are going to do well. You are going to be just fine” And with that he walked away. Never saw him again!
Yet those few words made all the difference in the world. It was like a light turned on. For some reason I felt empowered by them, as if I had someone in the world that had faith in me and it was impeccable timing since I felt so lost and alone at that moment. My whole attitude turned around. It was then that I recognized the value of ”paying forward.” And it was at that moment that I began practising the act myself. Now hold on, before you go off tooting my horn and giving praises, understand this: it soon became a selfish act on my part.
Once I started being unselfish myself, I soon recognized the perks that such activity offered, which kind of motivated me to continue further in my selfish ways of selflessness. Most acts of putting forth more positive energy into this world are a very inexpensive form of practicing what goes around.... (and here’s the catch.)... comes around! Ultimately it is the sender that gets back sevenfold. A that's a pretty fine investment if you ask me.
From a simple smile to maybe an extra can bought at the grocery store and kicked into the food bank bin. The ways to pay forward unselflessly are numerous. It is just a matter of recognizing in your movements about in any given day the needs of others. You will find in time, once you have this as a habit in your daily life, that needs seem to jump out at you. You have become open and aware to those around you , and share the world with. Secondly, once a need is recognized, and you determine you are indeed in a position to help, then STOP, and by all means do so.. Countless very good people pass by incidents that they could display their goodness because they are caught up in the hustle and bustle of day to day.
A lot of us move about our world in a hurry, looking at something in passing and wishing they could have helped. “...Man I should have stopped for that person with the hood up on their car...“ A lot of us leave it for the next person to come along. “...Oh well someone else with a little more time will...“ Learn the new habit of stopping. The time costs are far outweighed by the benefits you receive in making an impact in another person’s life. (But please always keep your own safety in mind though. Be careful not to over reach.)
In all reality how hard is it to recognize the cashier before you is stressed and tired? Do something to make that brief momentary encounter with them stress free and refreshing... It doesn’t have to be a big thing. It can just seem that way depending on whom you do it for. It can be something as simple as a smile.
You have had random acts of kindness pointed in your direction. Recognize that the same gift you received... the warm feeling of belonging and a load lightened can be the same gifts you can extend to someone else. And in extending you again receive.... What goes around comes around.
First and foremost you will find that you will be raking in a great sense of interconnectedness with the world around you. A feeling of being in sync and belonging. With a new found perspective from open eyes a common side effect will be a vivid and more colourful view of the world and people around you. Because you see more to appreciate, you will find it easier to count your blessings and feel better about yourself, the world and the issues that can affect us all.
Contributing positive into the world empowers and gives a sense of being in control. Expecting nothing back for it completely eliminates the disappointments of waiting for the “come around.” Hopefulness replaces mindlessness. The human race replaces the rat race. You smile more and this all translates into physical well being. You sleep better and you feel empowered. Your stresses lessen. And we all can say an amen to that!
The way I see it we have only two options when it comes to our impact on our world. We can either choose to be a positive force, putting in when ever we can , for the betterment of us all and if the world falls flat on its face, we have no regrets about our role in it. Or we can withhold extending ourselves and in refusing to notice or be a part of the vibrant energy that humanity offers we can find ourselves running with our fears and embracing narrow sightedness, shallow, or selfish desires. All very destructive and unhealthy attitudes and energy to hold onto. And quite potentially a lonely state to be in.
Choose to build and not destroy. No doubt we all have days when we are hard pressed to make a conscious effort to impact others in positive ways, circumstances often bite, but this is when your investment pays it’s dividends. Because your paid forward and these efforts are contagious; the smile you pasted on someone’s face yesterday is theirs to willingly and gladly return to you today. Now that’s simply selfishly selfless!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
a good and effective fix in an emergency situation, when you are
outdoors and caught without a bandaid and asprin, just look down.
It was a while ago, I remember thumbing through my local newspaper, looking at the inserts.; when I came across one for a health food store. Quickly glancing through it, my eyes scanned over foreign names of extracts conjured up from exotic plants from Brazil, The Rain forest, and China even And I wondered why plants natural to our own home are not marketed as the breakthrough wonders as these. And I just couldn’t believe that God would place each and every one of us in differing environments, without the necessities with which to survive in them. Seriously, what parent would?
It is with this in mind which spurred me to purchase a copy of “Edible and Medicinal Plants of the Rocky Mountains...” by Terry Willard Ph.D. when I ran across it..Only because that is where I lived at the time. (There are many books covering medicinal and edible plants that suit the wide varieties of regions that North America proudly displays.
I am sure glad I did come across this book, it has been a wonderful and captivating source of information detailing fascinating local herbs placed for us by the tender loving care of our Father, confirming to me that He never leaves out a detail in providing for us and our needs.I find great comfort in that
It was in this book, that I was familiarized first hand with a plant very common to most wooded regions of North America, called Wintergreen. “” claims that Wintergreen is found all over North America in damp humus rich soil with a preference to peat and sphagnum moss. In fact Wintergreen is a group of plants, with varieties varying from region to region. standing 2-4 inches tall, (5-9 cm.) I discovered that it can be found virtually year round, when I kicked a clump of snow from a spot where I scoped it out in the warmer months. Sure enough there it was , faithfully waiting in all it’s green splendor.
At that time, I lived twenty minutes from downtown, on a five acre parcel of land, surrounded with that exact environment. I remember taking my book outside and locating Wintergreen just twenty steps from my front door, and being really excited about it..Why? Because wintergreen is a fantastic pain killer, and my family and I were rough and tumble outdoors people, often finding ourselves on out bikes miles away from a medicine cabinet. It was handy I thought , to have a natural source near by, just in case. Hey you never know! But how effective was it, I wondered? Well, I wouldn’t have to wonder for too long .
My man and I were outside, in the driveway pulling a motor from his truck, when the chain snapped. It was just one of those things. But when the motor dropped, my man’s hand was in the way, ever so slightly. and his little finger was ripped open. We were out of Tylenol and nearly out of bandaids, wondering what to do to help ease the pain, I thought of enlisting the services of God’s natural pharmacy. Washing and crushing some leaves so as to get the juices in the plant exposed, I places them in the wound. And to my surprise the bleeding stopped almost immediately, and within a Minuit or so, I was told that the wound felt numb. There was no pain at all. Though I had expected this little plant to be somewhat effective for pain relief, I had not expected the outright success it provided at that moment.
Wintergreen contains a large proportion of methyl salicylate, which forms the base of the asprin group of medicines. Making it very effective in alleviating pains and inflamations in different body parts, and oftem a favorite for the use in dealing with rheumatism.
Now fear not, if you don’t have wintergreen growing out your front door as I did at that time, you can buy it in the very same health food stores along side the exotic remedies of other lands. It comes in the form of an oil, and can be used as a tincture or infusion. It is often used for: joint pain, muscle discomfort, arthritis, cellulite, poor cirrculation, headaches, hypertension, inflammations, ulcers, broken or bruised bones, just to mention a few. According to Wikipedia , t has also been used in some perfumery applications as a flavoring agent for some toothpastes, chewing gum, and soft drinks. What a fascinating plant that is proudly North American!
a good and effective fix in an emergency situation, when you are
outdoors and caught without a bandaid and asprin, just look down.
It was a while ago, I remember thumbing through my local newspaper, looking at the inserts.; when I came across one for a health food store. Quickly glancing through it, my eyes scanned over foreign names of extracts conjured up from exotic plants from Brazil, The Rain forest, and China even And I wondered why plants natural to our own home are not marketed as the breakthrough wonders as these. And I just couldn’t believe that God would place each and every one of us in differing environments, without the necessities with which to survive in them. Seriously, what parent would?
It is with this in mind which spurred me to purchase a copy of “Edible and Medicinal Plants of the Rocky Mountains...” by Terry Willard Ph.D. when I ran across it..Only because that is where I lived at the time. (There are many books covering medicinal and edible plants that suit the wide varieties of regions that North America proudly displays.
I am sure glad I did come across this book, it has been a wonderful and captivating source of information detailing fascinating local herbs placed for us by the tender loving care of our Father, confirming to me that He never leaves out a detail in providing for us and our needs.I find great comfort in that
It was in this book, that I was familiarized first hand with a plant very common to most wooded regions of North America, called Wintergreen. “” claims that Wintergreen is found all over North America in damp humus rich soil with a preference to peat and sphagnum moss. In fact Wintergreen is a group of plants, with varieties varying from region to region. standing 2-4 inches tall, (5-9 cm.) I discovered that it can be found virtually year round, when I kicked a clump of snow from a spot where I scoped it out in the warmer months. Sure enough there it was , faithfully waiting in all it’s green splendor.
At that time, I lived twenty minutes from downtown, on a five acre parcel of land, surrounded with that exact environment. I remember taking my book outside and locating Wintergreen just twenty steps from my front door, and being really excited about it..Why? Because wintergreen is a fantastic pain killer, and my family and I were rough and tumble outdoors people, often finding ourselves on out bikes miles away from a medicine cabinet. It was handy I thought , to have a natural source near by, just in case. Hey you never know! But how effective was it, I wondered? Well, I wouldn’t have to wonder for too long .
My man and I were outside, in the driveway pulling a motor from his truck, when the chain snapped. It was just one of those things. But when the motor dropped, my man’s hand was in the way, ever so slightly. and his little finger was ripped open. We were out of Tylenol and nearly out of bandaids, wondering what to do to help ease the pain, I thought of enlisting the services of God’s natural pharmacy. Washing and crushing some leaves so as to get the juices in the plant exposed, I places them in the wound. And to my surprise the bleeding stopped almost immediately, and within a Minuit or so, I was told that the wound felt numb. There was no pain at all. Though I had expected this little plant to be somewhat effective for pain relief, I had not expected the outright success it provided at that moment.
Wintergreen contains a large proportion of methyl salicylate, which forms the base of the asprin group of medicines. Making it very effective in alleviating pains and inflamations in different body parts, and oftem a favorite for the use in dealing with rheumatism.
Now fear not, if you don’t have wintergreen growing out your front door as I did at that time, you can buy it in the very same health food stores along side the exotic remedies of other lands. It comes in the form of an oil, and can be used as a tincture or infusion. It is often used for: joint pain, muscle discomfort, arthritis, cellulite, poor cirrculation, headaches, hypertension, inflammations, ulcers, broken or bruised bones, just to mention a few. According to Wikipedia , t has also been used in some perfumery applications as a flavoring agent for some toothpastes, chewing gum, and soft drinks. What a fascinating plant that is proudly North American!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
"...Much food is in the fallow ground of the poor
and for the lack of justice, there is waste..."
(Proverbs 13:23)
and for the lack of justice, there is waste..."
(Proverbs 13:23)
Kiss the heaven
kiss the earth
kiss the calf
which brought us mirth.
Bless ourselves
breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Exercise daily,
just to get thinner.
kiss the earth
kiss the calf
which brought us mirth.
Bless ourselves
breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Exercise daily,
just to get thinner.
Cries to heaven
looks to earth
lost all hope
no sense of worth
Begs God
breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
wastes away
growing thinner and thinner.
looks to earth
lost all hope
no sense of worth
Begs God
breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
wastes away
growing thinner and thinner.
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Costs of Capitalism
By: CHICKMELIONfreelance
The definition of "individualism" in the western culture is factory made and market driven. It is where profits become the primary motivator and dictate a need for mass production in order to provide for a profitable bottom line. Our homes, clothes and vehicles that we purchase as an expression of our own unique individuality are all mass produced. That unique shade of paint you are going to splash on your wall... will also be on the walls of literally thousands of people’s homes as a representation of their own uniqueness as well. And in a prospective home buyer ‘s mind, the home will be devalued if not considered up to date with all the right colors.
All these mind sets are constructed and pitched in carefully polished spins in order to convince us “their product will make us stand out and still be accepted in vogue as a statement of our success...” The name of the game is to creating a desire that begs for immediate action. It is not unlike creating an itch to sell a stick to scratch with. Individuals now are defined more by what they outwardly represent as opposed to inwardly. And if you don’t believe me... I have two words for you: “first impressions“.
What saddens me is that “profits” driven motives define individualism and not necessarily humanity based, and this is a very costly mistake for a society to accept. Because if you buy into it you are indeed accepting it.
Take for example any individual who does not fit into our idea of the “norm.” They are shunned by society, abandoned, abused and humiliated. I am not only referring to the bag lady on the downtown streets... I am taking into account our own youth who are being bullied in schools, on the streets and on the playgrounds for not keeping up with trends . For not holding mass beliefs, wearing mass marketed products, or living society defined lifestyles. It is a shame that we who statistically claim to be a predominantly “faith” based society, allow this to happen considering that God Himself saw it befitting to fashion each and everyone of us individually. As the Bible says "...and God saw everything that He made, and behold, it was very good.”
What is dangerous about a market driven identity is the entire nature of merchandising itself. There is a need to refresh, renew and mix it up on a regular basis in order to generate a continuous flow of capital; because it can not survive if everything stayed “good” forever. Creating new demands and new ideals to chase after means survival. The whole concept of what is the “norm" now days switches back and forth like a nervous cat’s tail. And it is getting increasingly harder for the average person to catch up with it. Trends switching from one widely held opinion to another at such a rapid pace, compiled with a society that defines one’s success on how well the individual can keep up, is what creating the “credit crunch” we are all currently struggling with... as well as leaving much waste in it’s wake.
The environmental impact is devastating, our landfills spilling over. Yet if you can not keep up with trends you are considered a deviant and classified on a lower rung of the ladder of success. But think of this; the faster that tail switches, the more and more society will find it financially, emotionally and physically harder to keep up. Somewhere along the line there will be more people standing outside of the box than within and the giant marketing machine will be forced to grind to a halt. At no small cost either... look at the unemployment rates currently.
So how do we deal with this issue? Simply put- we address the demon with an even larger demon. We medicate! In recent history we find ourselves more and more medicated for “social” diseases and stress related melt downs than ever before. And another mass marketing mogul rears up... the pharmaceutical industry. What has suffered in this chase to be in vogue is the very thing we need to conquer these demons- our faith!
On average it seems that we need two incomes to satisfy our consumerism. Little time is left to sit in quiet and contemplate where we are going, let alone spend any quality time with our loved ones. Even worse, when we can find the time to spend much needed quality time with out Heavenly Father. Now how is He going to guide us out of the pickle we create if we can’t even find time to listen? Indeed it is true when said, “separation from God is hell .” The emotional impact, the stress and the lack of adequate sleep is wearing this society thin and frail. Our economy it’s self is one of many things to stand up and testify. Our turmoil in the health care system another.
Fear not though, there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Indeed we do have to thank an ever loving God for never failing foresight and intimate patient knowledge of our endless follies. And for creating a universe that is never slack in seeking balance. If we are not willing to slow down in our lusts for material “things“, then we will be forced by the nature of those very desires to do so any way. It is likened to eating too much cake... at some point our desires will come back to haunt us. The global state of our economy it’s self is one of many things to stand up and testify that this is already happening. Our loving Father as any parent may allow us to try and choke ourselves with our ill choices, but in His infinite wisdom also thought to create living and breathing as a reflex action; so that though we may be allowed to suffer from our own foolish actions, we may not necessarily need to lose our souls over them.
As we are forced to cut back, slow down and spend in terms of quality as opposed to quantity; let us maintain this leanness even when everything gears back up again. As we all know it will somewhere down the line. Let us make a conscious choice to value the people we love who carried us and our spirit through our difficult times. Specially grateful our loving Father. Spend more quality time in His presence and learn from this experience; or indeed we will face the cycle again until we do learn.
The definition of "individualism" in the western culture is factory made and market driven. It is where profits become the primary motivator and dictate a need for mass production in order to provide for a profitable bottom line. Our homes, clothes and vehicles that we purchase as an expression of our own unique individuality are all mass produced. That unique shade of paint you are going to splash on your wall... will also be on the walls of literally thousands of people’s homes as a representation of their own uniqueness as well. And in a prospective home buyer ‘s mind, the home will be devalued if not considered up to date with all the right colors.
All these mind sets are constructed and pitched in carefully polished spins in order to convince us “their product will make us stand out and still be accepted in vogue as a statement of our success...” The name of the game is to creating a desire that begs for immediate action. It is not unlike creating an itch to sell a stick to scratch with. Individuals now are defined more by what they outwardly represent as opposed to inwardly. And if you don’t believe me... I have two words for you: “first impressions“.
What saddens me is that “profits” driven motives define individualism and not necessarily humanity based, and this is a very costly mistake for a society to accept. Because if you buy into it you are indeed accepting it.
Take for example any individual who does not fit into our idea of the “norm.” They are shunned by society, abandoned, abused and humiliated. I am not only referring to the bag lady on the downtown streets... I am taking into account our own youth who are being bullied in schools, on the streets and on the playgrounds for not keeping up with trends . For not holding mass beliefs, wearing mass marketed products, or living society defined lifestyles. It is a shame that we who statistically claim to be a predominantly “faith” based society, allow this to happen considering that God Himself saw it befitting to fashion each and everyone of us individually. As the Bible says "...and God saw everything that He made, and behold, it was very good.”
What is dangerous about a market driven identity is the entire nature of merchandising itself. There is a need to refresh, renew and mix it up on a regular basis in order to generate a continuous flow of capital; because it can not survive if everything stayed “good” forever. Creating new demands and new ideals to chase after means survival. The whole concept of what is the “norm" now days switches back and forth like a nervous cat’s tail. And it is getting increasingly harder for the average person to catch up with it. Trends switching from one widely held opinion to another at such a rapid pace, compiled with a society that defines one’s success on how well the individual can keep up, is what creating the “credit crunch” we are all currently struggling with... as well as leaving much waste in it’s wake.
The environmental impact is devastating, our landfills spilling over. Yet if you can not keep up with trends you are considered a deviant and classified on a lower rung of the ladder of success. But think of this; the faster that tail switches, the more and more society will find it financially, emotionally and physically harder to keep up. Somewhere along the line there will be more people standing outside of the box than within and the giant marketing machine will be forced to grind to a halt. At no small cost either... look at the unemployment rates currently.
So how do we deal with this issue? Simply put- we address the demon with an even larger demon. We medicate! In recent history we find ourselves more and more medicated for “social” diseases and stress related melt downs than ever before. And another mass marketing mogul rears up... the pharmaceutical industry. What has suffered in this chase to be in vogue is the very thing we need to conquer these demons- our faith!
On average it seems that we need two incomes to satisfy our consumerism. Little time is left to sit in quiet and contemplate where we are going, let alone spend any quality time with our loved ones. Even worse, when we can find the time to spend much needed quality time with out Heavenly Father. Now how is He going to guide us out of the pickle we create if we can’t even find time to listen? Indeed it is true when said, “separation from God is hell .” The emotional impact, the stress and the lack of adequate sleep is wearing this society thin and frail. Our economy it’s self is one of many things to stand up and testify. Our turmoil in the health care system another.
Fear not though, there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Indeed we do have to thank an ever loving God for never failing foresight and intimate patient knowledge of our endless follies. And for creating a universe that is never slack in seeking balance. If we are not willing to slow down in our lusts for material “things“, then we will be forced by the nature of those very desires to do so any way. It is likened to eating too much cake... at some point our desires will come back to haunt us. The global state of our economy it’s self is one of many things to stand up and testify that this is already happening. Our loving Father as any parent may allow us to try and choke ourselves with our ill choices, but in His infinite wisdom also thought to create living and breathing as a reflex action; so that though we may be allowed to suffer from our own foolish actions, we may not necessarily need to lose our souls over them.
As we are forced to cut back, slow down and spend in terms of quality as opposed to quantity; let us maintain this leanness even when everything gears back up again. As we all know it will somewhere down the line. Let us make a conscious choice to value the people we love who carried us and our spirit through our difficult times. Specially grateful our loving Father. Spend more quality time in His presence and learn from this experience; or indeed we will face the cycle again until we do learn.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Go Willingly Or Go In Chains
When ever I read about the throngs of people who followed Jesus through the open country side (some even faithfully bring their loved ones in tow who were ill and afflicted with so many griefs and pains) It not only amazes me but it warms my heart. Their simple act of willingness to travel so very far renews my faith in mankind’s inherent desire for humanity and faith to shine in both unison and service for each other. It was not however that there were not at that moment options for healing, whether it be physical or spiritual. It was more likely that these options suffered the same course as so many organized groups have since the beginning of time. Fractures and divisions from within weakened the effectiveness of the body causing mistrust. Nine chances out of ten these fractures were usually initiated by ego. The forgetting of unity and service to others for the betterment of us all.
However our loving Father, ever with a masterplan embedded within us something that yearns for universal balance. Unity! When ever given an avenue and opportunity to do so, humanity always seemingly manages to stand up strong regardless of the efforts that some situations require of it.
You need only think of the rallying that occurs at the event of any natural disaster and the euphoric high that is present when people pitch in to stand up for one another. Perhaps that is all we really need and what we are all unknowingly in our hearts searching for. The missing piece in our happiness - a path to genuine faith; not wrought with scepticism, ego, departmentalization, divisiveness, or even jealousy ...but a plain honest “to God” simple avenue. A path which everyone feels they have a right to be on and are welcomed regardless of how they looked, spoke, or are dressed.
I was asked by a complete stranger not to long ago to imagine a world with no ego. At that moment I could not even fathom such a world. In this market driven society geared towards the “eat or be eaten” attitude... ego seems to be a badge of honor. But in this society as in the society that existed 2000 years ago, humanity was searching for a better way. A way that offers peace, security, confidence and purpose. And God answered faithfully. I now realized this “ego less” world had in fact existed however brief it may have been. It was present on the grassy hillsides, and small villages in the presence of Jesus who exuded an energy of peace and loving kindness. So strong was the energy, that it still radiates clearly off of the pages in the Holy Book.... up to and including today!
Can we learn to radiate love like this? I know we can, because Jesus had laid the foundational stones at our feet and those stones still remain today. It is as contagious as one individual laughing in a crowded room. It is not individuals acting on self centered motivations which generates an energy of negativity like "scapegoat-ism", eat or be eaten competitiveness, or greed.
Indeed in Jesus’ presence, a timeless boundless energy exists, genuinely felt by all hearts open and willing to receive it. A vibe that radiates not on ego, but rather on humanity and faith. Can we replicate such an energy ourselves? The answer is simple. The foundation would not have been laid if it were not intended for humanity to stand on.
To a world that is searching for the healing effects of this vibe, I say to you. Put down your crutches of self gratification, and instant gratification. Take off your armor of mistrust, impudence and ego. And pick up a bible now and again. Hey it isn't going to bite you. Then and only then are you open to receive a timeless boundless healing energy left as a blessing to earth from a loving Father, through His loving Son.. as an answer... a road map... for all of mankind’s endless quest for humanity and faith.
We should not have to wait for the fury of nature’s wrath, or for the tragedy of other disasters to force us to recall and perform acts of humanity. Acts filled with a miracle of blessings that only helping one another can provide.We have a foundation laid before us. Nor should we have to be faced with tragedy to call God to mind. We need not find the beauty of humanity and faith on these paths solely, if we were only willing to meet God in His word. There is an old Hebrew saying that I think fits well here, and it goes something like this... “go willingly or go in chains.”
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- by CHICKMELIONfreelanceThe Selfish Act of Selfless...
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- FRONT DOOR FIRST AID... a good and effective fix ...
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- The Costs of Capitalism
- Go Willingly Or Go In Chains
When I Learn To Fly...
I am a well crafted, amply blessed, lovingly painted, hand molded soul.
Made by ONE... as a unique entity in a universe of unique entities.
For the time being I am apprenticing in the safety of a molecular body,
( I look at it as protective gear for a game called life.)
I am charged with for the most part positive energy,
which I learn to regenerate from both heaven and earth.
Thus I learn to honor Father and Mother.
I am a replica of the universe.
I demonstrate to myself and to those who look at me,
the unity and balance that we all are.
Many in one... and one in many.
Working in conjunction yet as individuals; ever moving, ever evolving, ever changing, ever growing and ever seeking universal balance.
I am learning to be in this fluidity without being a harm.
Kicking at the "Oneness" .
Causing it to be off balance by my choices.
I learn the universal rule, "seek balance as a singular entity".
I learn not to be a free-radical that threatens.
I learn there is nothing new under the sun,
all is cyclical, for us all to learn.
I am taught that as bacteria threatens a molecular body, (as my eyes behold)....
my choices threaten the heavenly body, (as my spiritual eye beholds.)
I am as you are... and as all children born are;
proof that our creator has not lost faith in us.
Has not given up on mankind.
That all is not for nothing.
I am freedom of choice.
I am learning by freedom of choice.
I am free to build or destroy.
I am free to in a molecular state see the consequences of these choices.
Feel the consequences.
This choice is not infringed upon by He who crafted me.
It is His tool, as a wise parent, which allows me to taste, test, and see the integrity of positive by knowing negative.
For how then can I know the fullness of joy unless I have something to measure it with?
How then can I appreciate my soul unless it is bound by my molecular shroud?
By the wisdom of ONE, I am ever growing to a point where I will no longer need my shroud of a body to protect me.
I will have learned to be a heavenly body....
I will have learned to make my foot print light.
I will have learned to fly.....
I'm Gonna Try Peace
by chickmelion,
Gonna lay my head down in the sand,
let the wind blow over my face.
Gonna render my body to the land,
and give it my sweet tears to taste.
Gonna lay my sword down on the soil
I am not going to swing it no more,
I have nothing to show for all the toil,
been stalemated , “settling the score.”
Gonna put my hands behind my back,
and let the will of heaven flow,
pray for some mercy to put me on track,
and refresh a weary parched soul.
Going to pick up a staff to hold instead,
and try to walk a mile in bare feet.
Gonna listen to what history has said
and pound my drum to a different beat.
Hold words in my mouth of a different plan,
and learn a whole different speech.
Gonna hold them to action as best as I can…
this time I gonna try PEACE!
There is a claim that miracles
are the fancy of imaginations;
and indeed they will be
if you are not open to receive them.
If you hold no faith,
if you do not use your eyes to see them,
if your definition is to tightly wrapped.
All these blocking the vital energy
that all miracles flow on.
You can not see
if you do not look!.
No one will hear you
if you do not speak.
Indeed you will not be tested ,
if you do not stand up for something,
but again....
you will never need a miracle either!
Nor will you experience the euphoria
of being blessed by one ,
unless you put yourself out there in faith,
standing firm in your convictions.
Life is a miracle in it's self,
and you would be squandering your life
unless you put yourself out there as well
by CMD
are the fancy of imaginations;
and indeed they will be
if you are not open to receive them.
If you hold no faith,
if you do not use your eyes to see them,
if your definition is to tightly wrapped.
All these blocking the vital energy
that all miracles flow on.
You can not see
if you do not look!.
No one will hear you
if you do not speak.
Indeed you will not be tested ,
if you do not stand up for something,
but again....
you will never need a miracle either!
Nor will you experience the euphoria
of being blessed by one ,
unless you put yourself out there in faith,
standing firm in your convictions.
Life is a miracle in it's self,
and you would be squandering your life
unless you put yourself out there as well
by CMD